In 2016, Resolve to Recognize

It’s 2016, and in the new year, you can resolve to do anything — whether that’s getting fit, being more positive, saving more money or any number of other self-improvement vows. In addition to your personal resolutions, we invite you to try another one: recognition.

Resolving to recognize can be a simple and rewarding way to ring in the new year. Be mindful, and notice the good things people around you are doing. No, you don’t have to go out and buy a gift basket every time someone completes a 5K, but sincere commendation acknowledging the achievements of others can be powerful enough on its own.

Especially take note of when the people around you reach new milestones in their lives, like graduations, promotions, retirements, engagements, weddings, new babies and more. Send a card, verbalize a warm congratulations or write up a note to post on social media. (Bonus points for handwritten notes and cards that can become lasting keepsakes and reminders of special moments.) When you share in these special accomplishments with others, you’re surrounding yourself with goodwill and positivity.

The potentially tricky part of this resolution is recognizing those not-so-standard moments or the little things. This could be noticing someone’s new haircut, paying someone a compliment on their work, or thanking someone for an act of kindness. It takes patience, observation and understanding, but we hope you can find ways to incorporate recognition in your life this year.